• Moor Mother

Moor Mother aka Camae Ayewa transforms the foyer at the Kunstverein - with its mezzanines and reliefs as well as the traces and realities from the past and present - into a kaleidoscopic space of instruments, voices, words and images. Music and space rear up into an energetic, poetic, and continuous multitude; an intergenerational dialogue, a collective memory; a meditation on time and its traces - obvious and hidden, past and future. Music as its own agency - polyphonic, personal, political, migrating - in which history, especially the relationship between colonialism and liberation, social justice and capitalist dystopia, converge and create a new narrative for the future.

Through the lens and practice of Black Quantum Futurism, the art of Moor Mother aka Camae Ayewa stands as a statement for the future, while also honoring the present and its historical connections to a multitude of past realities and future outcomes. Specializing in practical concepts, Moor Mother also works with speculation and historical ideas. Soundscapes are created using field sounds and sound collages from archives to form sonic maps that guide exploration into buried histories and futures. Writing, music, film, visual art, socially engaged art, and creative research are tools used to explore personal, cultural, familial, and community cycles of experience, offering solutions for transforming oppressive linear notions of time into empowering, alternative temporalities. The work seeks to inspire practical techniques for vision and agency to counteract the ever-expanding reclaiming of land, housing, and health in black communities.

This music installation is a collaboration with Kunstverein Nürnberg - Albrecht Dürer Gesellschaft with an extended exhibition conceived as a music installation with Black Quantum Futurism, which will also be open beyond the festival.

  • Amir
  • Shpilman
  • Anke
  • Eckardt