• Caroline Beach

At the Akademie Galerie, located on Nuremberg’s Hauptmarkt, Caroline Beach is showing In Darkness Let Me Dwell, a horror musical that manifests itself in fragments between video and live performance, Renaissance music and metal, and the split seconds before and after the fall of the guillotine. An exorcism of power from a body falsely projected as a functioning society, the work, set in the midst of a post-war inner city rebuilt in the style of the Middle Ages, poses the question: How can we chop the head off the body of the state? Working with a modular structure and drawing from a library of scores, it becomes a durational performance that never repeats and constantly changes.
Caroline Beach is an artist born in Texas and based between Dresden and Berlin. She is a choreographer, performer, dancer, musician, and a creative “nonsense person.” Her work spans a variety of spaces and contexts - from theaters and dance universities to festivals, galleries, off-spaces, undersides of bridges, basements, bars, the internet and most recently even her own furniture. Her art is interdisciplinary but deeply rooted in the lived experiences of the body. She engages in process-based work that addresses the complex relationships between humans and non-humans, the mathematical logic of the absurd and the deep empathy that can be discovered in rituals of failure. Caroline Beach completed an MA in Choreography at the Palucca University of Dance Dresden and is a guest artist at the Semperoper Ballet Dresden. She performs with the group Go Plastic and regularly collaborates with other artists.
This year’s Open Call for Music Installations is created in cooperation with the LEONARDO - Center for Creativity and Innovation, the university association of the Technical University of Nuremberg, the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg and the Nuremberg University of Music.

  • Solistenensemble
  • Kaleidoskop
  • &
  • Maya
  • Dunietz
  • Lulu
  • Obermayer